Monday, February 9, 2009


The pod shuttered. Alex held his breath as the Atmospheric DropPod cannoned straight down towards the planet. The pod was pitch black around him, and smelled faintly of burning metal. Even though he had run the drop simulations hundreds of times, it still didn't compare to the real thing.

Once again, the pod shuttered with such force Alex nearly smashed his head against the cold metal. The reverse thrusters boomed to life, slowing his decent a great deal.

*Not long now...* Alex knew he would smash into the planets surface within a matter of seconds. He braced himself for the impact. According to NavTech, these pods were completely safe, but Alex had his doubts.

A deafening crashed roared all around the pod, and it felt as if the ground was quaking around him. After a few moments, the shaking ceased, and the noise ended. Slowly, Alex forced the door on his pod open.

The aliens world look much like Earth did. Large, impressive buildings towering across the landscape. Green sky and red-green clouds filled his vision. It was almost beautiful, until he remember why he was here. Alex grabbed his rifle and jumped out of his pod, and studied his immediate surroundings. He had landed it what appeared to be a street, of some kind. Large red buildings surrounded him, towering far into the green sky. The air smelled... almost like Earth's had, but that was to be expected.

The commanders had chosen to invade this planet for obvious reasons. It was the most Earth-like of all the alien planets, and would also support human life with no modifications. A near perfect replacement for their lost homeworld. Alex understood, what is a race without a planet?

Gravel crunched under Alex's heavy combat boots as he ran into the cover of the alien building. The aliens had apparently known they were coming, for it appeared the entire area had been completely deserted. The buildings looked mostly like the large skyscrapers from Earth, but in a deep red hue. Even the inside looked rather similar. Alex looked around the courtyard of the building. It was completely vacant, and completely empty. Besides some strange markings on the walls, there was nothing. Alex scanned the room once more with his rifle scope, and proceeded farther inside.

He paused to examine the strange markings, they appeared to be doors or some kind. He reached up to touch one, when a sound from the street rang out through the vacant building. He turned to see a creature standing in the doorway.

It stood at roughly 6 feet tall, and was bipedal. It was dark red, with hunched shoulders and a sunken head. It also seemed to be covered in scales. In place of one of it's four arms, it had what appeared to be a weapon, and it was glowing.

A burst of red goo exploded past Alex, missing him by inches. He quickly brought up his rifle, aimed at where he though the creatures head would be, and fired three quick shots. The creatures belted a horrible scream, and light green fluids seeped from the would Alex had inflicted. The creature once again fired a shot of goo, but Alex was ready, and dodged the projectile easily. The creature collapsed down upon the ground, let out a single, weak moan, and died.

Alex slowly walked over to the fallen alien, and prodded it a few times with his rifle to make sure it was dead. When he was sure, he slung his rifle over his shoulder and opened his communications channel. Static burst through the line. He tried to radio any surrounding forces, but got nothing but static.

Alex took one more look at the fallen creature, and started on his way to his squads rally point.

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